Tomato Rice

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Tomato Rice

This is a very humble rice dish,humble in the sense that the only vegetable/fruit used here is
‘tomato’.It is not at all humble in its taste 😉 Infact it is one dish that can be prepared with ease
and the taste it gives you is really yummylicious!!!It is a great comfort food(out of my
experience).It is a spiced rish dish with a tangy punch.
Tomato rice is a dish originated from Tamil Nadu.My hubby’s folks though from Kerala, are
settled in Chennai.As far as I know,there is not one house in Chennai when tomato rice is not prepared atleast once a week!
Had a bad day at work?Heres a dish that will deal with all those blues today!!!


Ripe Tomatoes – 4(chopped).
Rice – 1 cup(I used Basmati Rice).
Onion – 1 medium(sliced).
Ginger garlic paste- 1 tbsp.
Coriander leaves -a few(optional).
Turmeric Powder – 1/4 tsp.
Chilli Powder – 2 tsp.
Coriander Powder – 1 tsp.
Garam masala powder – 1 tsp
Green Chilli -1
Cinnamon -2 one inch pieces.
Cloves – 3
Cardamom – 2
Ghee – 1 1/2 tbsp(I used oil).
Water – 2 cups.


1.Chop the tomatoes and Keep aside.
2.In a Pressure cooker,heat oil/ghee and add Cinnamon,Cloves and Cardamom and saute till it emits
an aroma.
3.Now add Ginger Garlic paste,Onions and Coriander leaves and saute till raw smell
4.Now add Chilli Powder,Coriander powder,Turmeric Powder,Garam masala powder and green
chilli and saute for a minute.
5.To this add the chopped tomatoes and saute well till tomato is mashed well.Now add washed
rice and saute well.
6.After this,add water and salt and mix well and cook with lid closed for 3 whistles.
7.When the pressure the lid amd fluff gently with a fork.
8.Transfer to a serving plate and serve hot with Raita or pickle!

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